
written by john lewis

Kathy Sierra

Kathy was an excellent presenter with excellent content. She was the person I was most looking forward to seeing.

Nobody cares about your specs, they care how you make them feel. We need to look at reverse engineering passion. Require continuous improvement. What are we trying to get better at? It about what your users do with the product, not what you want them to do.

And, it all starts in the users’ head. Mind vs. Brain. Legacy Brain vs. Logical Mind. What does your brain pay attention to? We pay attention to other people, changing light (it might be a tiger!), etc. We know conversation beats a formal lecture. Why? Because the brain thinks its all real. User study; people were worried about hurting a computer’s feelings.

Paint a picture of what its like to be good and how to get there. But, we’re just getting started… What is it like to be in the flow state?

Knowledge and skill + Challenge

What breaks flow? Keeping motivation going. Levels: think games, books, even karate. How is the user changed by the journey?

The Tribe – the t-shirt metric. Creating a brand that people would like to wear on a t-shirt. “T-shirt first development.

How do you know when you have passionate users?


Remember your users are real people! Now go change the world

Posted in: Webstock06



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