
written by john lewis

Russell Brown

Russell Brown of fame. Gave a good speech starting with a sound track of David Longe’s Oxford Union Debate speech. Russell is the ‘content guy’ of the conference.

Started with Webmedia’s last bang to Amsterdam then moved in the history of the NZ local internet. The insanity that was Xtraville. How did broken homepages with photos of people’s cats win out as a format for the web?

The move to blogs and blogging, then citizen journalism. Citizens have the right to be defended by their government. But also, the right to be defended from their government.

You Tube (less that a year old but serving more than 2 Terabytes of data a day. Versus Google Video…why did You Tube win?

MySpace? The second most popular site on the internet. Hands up who doesn’t get it?

It’s about letting people approach on their own terms. They have stories to tell and know how to tell them.

The question of libraries and what they should digitise… Well, why not digitise what people want?

Posted in: Webstock06


There is one response to Russell Brown

Monday, 29th May 2006 5:53 am

Actually, Russell Brown AND Rachel McAlpine were both the ‘content guys’ at the conference.

Thanks for the full reportage.





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