
written by john lewis

Dunedin invasion

In the last few months it has struck me as to how much Wellington has been invaded by Dunedinites lately. This month I’ve been here for a year, maybe that’s got something to do with it ;-)

Seriously though, Dave my old iVISION business partner has moved up (with a newborn too). I noticed Chris Auld of Kognition fame (who incidently should win an award for the ugliest website) has made the move too. And I seem to have lots of old friends and colleages asking what the work environment is like, what the wages are like, what average rents are, what the nightlife is like, etcetera. Half of the people I went to University with are already here.

To be frank, and having made the move, the weather is better, the wages are better as is the work you are doing, the social/night life is better, and the city is easier to live in (purely subjective!) – its little wonder people are looking at jumping on up.

I can relate to what they’re probably thinking too. Most people from Dunedin are fiercely proud of the city and living there. Making the move actually involves reconciling yourself to the fact that you want to leave a city you love. It can be tough. The thought of Christchurch or Auckland is usually a little much for us Southerners so it often ends up being Wellington. That said there are some similarities between the two cities…

Posted in: Wellington



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