
written by john lewis

September stats

There was a big increase in both traffic and visitors in September over the previous month. What surprises me (in a pleasant way of course) isn’t the growth itself but the continued exponential trend I’m seeing. Cool!

The most popular entry written in September was the Visualising data usage entry about those really cool inflatable USB drives. But the most popular entry visited in September was the Inspiring travel video. I still really love watching that video a month later.

Again for September, the biggest referrer to my site was someone’s MySpace profile, I really wish they’d refer in a way that let you see which actual profile or profiles were linking through.

Also again, the most popular search term used by visitors was “vodka” followed in second place by “umami”. Vodka, as far as the eye could see… is the offending entry. I’m seriously thinking of getting in touch with 42Below about that page now :)

The vodka jellies image on that page seems to get linked to from far and wide, it even makes a guest appearance on this Espanol forum. What are they talking about Pablo (apart from my superb photography skills)? ;)

Posted in: Web


There is one response to September stats

Tuesday, 3rd October 2006 10:43 am

dunno if this helps but…



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