
written by john lewis


ie7_thumb_logo.gif It’s old news now that IE7 has been sprung onto the world, it’s also old news that IE7 will be rolled out as an automatic update.

I had been dreading it’s release. I just needed to think of all the work we’ve had to do in the past to get pixel perfection from IE5, IE5.5, IE6 (compared to our open source browser buddies), and then I imagining that we’d probably need to do that all again with IE7 but without the solid knowledge we now have of IE’s hacks, tweaks and whatnot.

As per usual, our worst fears are seldom realised and I haven’t been scratching my head too much with how IE7 has been performing so far. I’m even impressed slightly (shhhhh, don’t tell anyone). The single most handy piece of advice I’ve needed and used so far is to invoke IE7′s hasLayout “concept” like so:

_height:0; min-height:0; /* IE hasLayout fix */

Note that _height works for IE6 (no surprises there) but not for IE7. It does however include support for min/max-height/width, unlike IE6, and invokes plus fixes it for us.

There are also some good comments on the aptly titled IE7 CSS tweak show and tell at Zeldman’s blog.

Download IE7 » or read my notes from listening to Tony Chor (Group Program Manager, IE) present earlier this year at Webstock.

Posted in: Web, Work


There is one response to IE7

Olmec Sinclair
Thursday, 30th November 2006 9:47 am

John, this is great. A perfect fix for a frustrating issue. I am now much closer to producing websites of true excellence with this handy hack.



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